Friday, July 6, 2012

Contest winner and Tabby's Place donation!

I drew a number this morning for our contest.
#8 happens to be our friend Roberta! Congratulations! I'll mail them out next week.

Also, we received 64 comments from our comment-a-thon = $15.75. We're going to kick in some extra and make a total donation of $25.00 to Tabby's Place. They have a cool feature where you can choose what you want to donate (medication, food, vaccines, etc.) so we'll go "shopping" this weekend and let you know what we chose.

Thank you to everyone who participated this week. I'll post the answers to the quiz on Monday.


Marg said...

Conga rats to the winner. That is great that Tabby's place is getting some money. We know they will appreciate that. They are a terrific shelter.

Old Kitty said...

Fantastic!! Yay!! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

Congrats to Roberta and to Tabby's Place! :-)

Sliekje said...


congrats with Tuckers birthday!!!
And i had a look at your card, it looks lovely :)
Greetings and cuddles for the kitties!
Sliekje and cats

Roberta said...

Wow, I am over the moon, Rene. I rarely win anything so I was completely blown away when I went to your blog. It made my day, no, my whole year. Thank you so much.

A few Good Cats said...

A big cheer for you for doing this and helping the cats at Tabby's Place!

Lucy and some friends