Thursday, July 26, 2012

RIP to our bug

Some of you might remember (or were disgusted by) our bug, a Madagascar hissing cockroach. Yesterday when I was going to make breakfast, she was upside down in her cage. Jim took her out, held her, and put her upright in the cage. Sadly, when I came home from work, she was gone. We had her 23 months, and I must admit that she grew on me. Goodbye little bug.

Sadie especially will miss watching you. She was smelling and exploring the cage, looking and looking for the bug.
Where is my favorite entertainment the bug?


Fuzzy Tales said...

We're sorry your, gone. It does give the mom shivers to look at the pics, and not in a good way. But still, she had a good buggy life with you, and that's what counts.

Old Kitty said...

Awwwwww!! How sad! Awwww! She was a good bug, much loved and now scurrying away at the Bridge! Awwww! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We bring them in ever so often. Would you like mom to send you a replacement?

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

So sad to lose an animal you have been caring for.

Roberta said...

I can send you lots of replacements from Hawaii but ours aren't that big and they fly like kamikaze airplanes. RIP Miss Bug. You will be missed by all in the Schweitzer household.

Unknown said...

I never thought about keeping a bug as a pet. What a good idea!!!
Sorry your entertainment is gone.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I'm sorry your bug died! It sounds like she had quite a good life, for a cockroach.

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry about your bug. RIP, bug...we bet you are hissing at the Bridge. (Do bugs go to the Bridge?)

Lucy and some friends