Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thanks for the soft blanket

I knew when I put this blanket out that Sadie would be attracted to it. Within hours, she was napping on it.


Old Kitty said...

Yay!! You have a lovely blankie there sweet Sadie! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That looks like a lovely blanket, what we can see of it under pretty Sadie!

Katnip Lounge said...

The call of the Soft!

Roberta said...

What a purrfect blanket for a purrfect kitty.

Pip said...

Oh Sadie, you are so furry purrty on your blanket. Have a good nap, sweet girl.
Your furend, TK

The Island Cats said...

That looks like a comfy blanket. We can see why you like it so much, Sadie.

Oui Oui said...

Kitties have radar for the best places!

Thank you so much for the condolences on the loss of my mother. I had no idea just how hard it would be without her, but the support of kind people like yourself makes it a little easier to bear. Thank you and God bless you.

Paula & The Twinkletoe Tails Gang

CATachresis said...

Do I spy a bit of pink? ;)

Lucy and some friends