Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Benny (and computer) news

Yesterday, Benny had a check up with the eye doctor. (You might remember that he has cataracts in both eyes and glaucoma in his right eye). The good news is that things are mostly stable. The bad news is the doctor found a cyst in his glaucoma eye. It is behind the iris just underneath the pupil. The doctor showed me where to find it, and it's in a place I would have never noticed.

It may be benign, but it may not be. Because of the size and location, there's nothing to be done except to wait and see. I will monitor it regularly.

The other bad news is that our desktop computer is out of commission. It's no longer able to connect to the Internet. We've had it looked at and tried a USB wifi stick, to no avail. This is frustrating because it's the machine I use to update the blog! I have several posts scheduled and will try to keep on posting as often as I can. I will soon be computer shopping. . . .

Edited to add:
I present to you, King Tucker!
Now this is more like it!


Fuzzy Tales said...

We're purring for Benny's eye, that it's benign!

Good luck re: the computer. If it has to be replaced, the holiday shopping season (i.e. deals) is a pretty good time to do it.

Old Kitty said...

Awww beautiful Benny!! We send you many hugs and purrs!! Please be ok!! Take care

Amy J said...

Hugs and good wishes for both Benny and the computer search.

Love the Xmas header, BTW.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet Benny, we will be purring for you. Good luck on the computer. you may have to go to Windows 8!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

I hope Benny's cyst is benign! Poor dude. That must be stressful for you to deal with.

The Island Cats said...

We are purring for Benny and hope that his eye cyst is not a problem.

Amy J said...

Excellent. All hail King Tucker.

RoySr said...

We're wishing and hoping the best for Benny. Buddy Bear, Ms Smokey and the boys send their love and purrs.

Luck with the computer. Leave Windows 8 alone. It's way different, too much new all at one time. I say stick with Windows 7.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Oh King Tucker, how can we make your life so much easier today?? :)

I'm sorry to hear about Benny's cyst. I hope that it stays just as it is and causes no problems what so ever.

R is for Ringo

 I noticed Ringo was sitting next to the letter R I have in my office.