Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday flashback: Destroyed cupcakes

This post qualifies as a You Ate What AND a Friday flashback! I was going through some photos on Photobucket and discovered one from April 2008, before I started blogging. This plate of cupcakes was licked quite thoroughly, most likely by Benny (we did not have Sadie yet). He did quite a job!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very good, Benny!

Amy J said...

Defintely looks like a strike by Benny and the amazing sweet tooth.

Old Kitty said...

LOL! Awww Benny's got a sweet tooth! Yay! Take care

Katnip Lounge said...

I'm betting you ate 'em anyway.

Roberta said...

Mommy should have named you Cupcake, Benny.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Wow, that is impressive! Who knew cats liked icing... or maybe it's just Benny, the silly boy.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We think you should publish a book with all your "You Ate What" pictures! Too funny!

Unknown said...

Good job Bennie!

I wish I had some...

Jules and Ringo play patty paws

 Please enjoy this video of our two boys playing by a door. So cute!