During the spring and summer, I'll gather and freeze fresh catnip, so that the cats can enjoy it year round. I'd given Tucker a stem. It was mainly a flower head. A little later, I came back into the room and saw this:
Then I took a video.
Ringo and Lucy have made amazing progress with Jules in just 5 days. This morning, I took this adorable photo of the three of them. Is ther...
Stems are fun to chew on.
Good to see Tucker knows greens are an important part of a kitty's diet. :-)
I love when cats get that "am I getting away with this?" look on their faces. For Aerin lately, it's been when she licks the 'bacon grease' off a recently microwaved plate (she doesn't seem to notice it's really Morningstar soy).
Boy, Tucker, you sure do know how to strip those sticks clean!
You're such a cutie patootie, Tucker.
Tucker sure enjoyed that nip stem!
I've been growing catnip on and off for years. I haven't had any of The Crew go for it. Dried they are all over it, but fresh they tend to be all M'eh
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