Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Rene gets a new nook (and Tucker gets a bag)

I love to read. I had a first-edition nook for two years, and suddenly the battery died and it froze up. I felt unhinged without my e-reader, and replacement batteries for it aren't easy to find! Jim bought me a new nook as an early birthday present (yeah!). . and Tucker nabbed the bag it came in.

Win-win, right?

What do we have here?

While the color of his nook case does match my eyes, I MUCH prefer the bag it came in, thanks.
I do hope to find a have found a source for a different battery and will keep the old one as a back up. There are too many things I like better about the old reader! And bonus, I'll never be without a reader if the battery runs low.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Awesome! I'm loving my Kobo--my first e-reader. Got it at the end of November. I love the green of your Nook, though, as green is my favourite colour. :-)

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww terrific Tucker! You are doing a great job helping Rene pick some nice books to read! Yay! take care

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

how wonderful!! Happy pre Birthday

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I love my Nook! The only problem I have is it is hard to plug in! WE thought it was the end of the cord, but I have tried another one and it is still hard to do.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Mommy wants a Nook, but other things always come first. And she's not technically that good. Well, her books from the library do make it to our puter and back to the library in a reasonable time. But they recently redid their system and she hates it now. It's simply not that technical! Really.
Cod knows what she would actually DO to a poor Nook!

The Island Cats said...

We don't know who is or Tucker!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you both. :-)

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