Wednesday, May 8, 2013

An early birthday gift

UPDATE: Tucker and Benny's bloodwork came back normal. However, Tucker has developed a bad case of diarrhea from the current antibiotic he is on. After calling the vet, she wants him to take a week break, then try a different med. Poor guy barely made it to the litter box, and that's with double doses of probiotics too.

Yesterday, I received an unexpected package in the mail from our friend Roberta. My birthday is on Friday, and she thoughtfully sent me a gift.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw this figure:

Then, I found some tiny wrapped packages. I opened them to find special magnets, made by Roberta:
Aren't they cool? I love them.

Thank you for being so thoughtful, Roberta.

Speaking of my birthday, it is Friday. I will be doing a special post, so I hope you stop by.


Fuzzy Tales said...

What absolutely lovely gifts!

Happy almost-birthday. Yes, of course we'll back on Friday! :-)

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww they're beautiful!!! Yay!!!

Happy birthday to come!! Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet kitties. THe magnates are very special

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I love that figurine, too perfect!

Roberta said...

You're so very welcome, Rene. Glad you liked them. Great news about Tucker's and Benny's bloodwork results, too.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Good news about the bloodwork! We hope Tucker gets over his problem soon too!

What sweet gifts! Happy early birthday!

The Island Cats said...

What great gifts! We love them!

And we're sorry poor Tucker had the runs. We hope he feels better soon.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

So glad the boys' bloodwork came back ok! I'm sorry to hear about Tucker's diarrhea, though. Poor little dude.

And happy birthday tomorrow :)

R is for Ringo

 I noticed Ringo was sitting next to the letter R I have in my office.