Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tucker and the box fan

For several years, when the weather is warm and we have a box fan running, Tucker likes to sit *behind* the fan. I'm not sure if the suction from the fan feels better than the breeze from it?

Jim had taken the fan out of storage and within a day, Tucker was behind it again.*

Whatever works for you, Tucker boy.

 *We hope our friend Amy notices that he brought his yarn ball with him just in case.


The Rosie Bee said...

His back toes in the top picture are just killing me. He's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Why yes, I noticed that before the footnote even. Good to know it's being safely guarded behind the fan.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Tucker, the air is sucked in from the back and so is any loose furs. You are very smart, Nor you furs are being blown over every thing in the fan's path!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

That is very strange. I could understand it if it were cold, but if it were cold, the fan would not be turned on. I never seen the like!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

hey, the boy knows what he likes.. nothing wrong with that

Roberta said...

Tucker, you are too funny. I'm going to go behind a fan to see how it feels.

The Daily Pip said...

Stay cool, Tucker.

GLOGIRLY said...

hehe!!! I'm going to try that too!!! Maybe I can even hide from the orange teenager behind the fan.
; ) Katie

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