Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Litter genie: An unofficial review

A friend of ours told us about this great new thing he was using with his cats: the Litter Genie. Now I thought I kept up with cat gadgets, but I missed this one. Anyone who's had a baby has probably heard of the Diaper Genie, but this one is adapted for cats.

Then, he surprised us with a gift of a Litter Genie. I thought I'd post an "unofficial" review of it for fellow cat owners. [We were not compensated for this review.]

Here it is, along with two refill packs. Tucker immediately gave it a good smelling.

Take the refill and pull out some plastic, then knot the end. Benny was curious.

The deposits go into the top part of the holder.

And are stored in the bottom part. When you are ready to dispose of them, there's a cutter to cut off the plastic and knot the bag.

The pros:
* You always have a bag and storage facility ready.
* The bags are supposed to seal in odors (this does seem to do a pretty good job)
* The unit is trendy looking and sits next to the litter box.

The cons:
* You have to spend money on the refills.
* Each litter box would need its own unit (we have three litter boxes). We keep ours next to the most-used box.
*We don't use the included scoop because we love our Litter Lifter. The LL is wider than the provided scoop, and we wish the deposit area were a little larger. Sometimes litter spills out over the top of the unit.

We've been using this for a couple of weeks, and so far I like it. I like that it makes scooping quick and easy. I also like that, if I'm short on time, I can leave the deposits in the unit until I have time to remove them. The biggest con is that I wish the unit had a slightly larger hole to better fit my Litter Lifter.

Do you have one of these? What do you think of it?


Old Kitty said...

I've never seen such a thing! How amazing! Thanks for the info and review! Take care

Fuzzy Tales said...

I've never seen it, either. I use doggie poop bags in a small compost container...but then, I can't smell anyway. LOL.

If this works for you, terrific! :-)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I was wondering what someone with multiple cats might think of that product :)

I have a smaller 'regular sized' litter lifter if you are interested.. I got it at BlogPaws..

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human was thinking of getting one of these for her dad.

Roberta said...

Great review. I love my Litter Lifter, too, and I have you to thank for that.

Katnip Lounge said...

That's pretty nifty! We use a galvanized pail...with so many kitties we need something heavy doody, LOL!

Lucy and some friends