Friday, June 28, 2013

Tucker eats some grass video

This was shot the same day as Tucker's driveway adventures, but I had trouble loading it to YouTube. Finally, here he is, eating some grass. The hum you hear is the neighbor's dryer venting.


Anonymous said...

The adorable 'hunter' in the wild. :-)

And this reminds me, I haven't planted any kitty greens for my girls lately.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THe grass outside is better than the stuff Mom brings home from the store

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

You have an automatic driveway edger! Videos make a nice change from still photos, once in a while. I should probably make one myself!

Roberta said...

You made me want to eat some grass, too, Tucker.

The Island Cats said...

Hey Tucker, did you yak that grass up later?? ;)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Who needs a grass trimmer when Tucker is around! Lucky boy!

GLOGIRLY said...

Tucker's adorable!!!
We're wondering the same thing as the Island Cats! ; )
; )

Cat said...

Hi friends, we wanted to thank you for Jimmy's birthday wishes and let you know that we're returning to blogging next week. Hope you'll pop back again for a visit :-)

Lucy and some friends