Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Photos from Tucker's baby book

Don't forget to enter our giveaway!

To keep the birthday celebration going, I scanned in some pages from Tucker's "baby book." It's mostly from his early years. The book did not have enough pages for an entire cat's life! Click on any of the photos to enlarge.

Me giving him some catnip at about three months old. I love the color of his tabby fur in this shot.

Four months old. He loved to play in my bathroom sink.

Five months old. His ongoing fascination with the laundry continues to this day.

About six months old. He is sitting in a closet shelf on the top shot.

One year old. He used to sit like this in chairs all of the time.

About mid-1999. I've always loved this shot of he and I.

We hope you'll keep coming back this week--there's lots more to come!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Those are wonderful photos to have. It's also a super idea to scan them in, in case anything ever happens to the originals.

CATachresis said...

Yes that is a great idea to scan old photos in..just in case!! Such sweet pics of Tucker :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, I forget that he was every so tiny.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I have been making photo albums the opposite way. I been photo printing the digital photos--Holy $! Not all, but just the outstanding. It is more fun to page through a book on your lap, I think. You can show people (who probably do not want to look!) better that way.

Greg and his cats

Anonymous said...

What great photos! LOVE seeing him through the years. Purrs...

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

What adorable photos - wow, did Tucker grow up to be a big, handsome kitty!

Roberta said...

Loved the photos. Boy, was Tucker a cutie as a kitten and he still is and so are you, Rene.

The Island Cats said...

Tucker was such a cute kit! He has grown up well. What great pictures!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sweet baby pictures!

Saku said...

What wonderful pictures and a terrific way to bring back lots of memories.

I don't have many pics of my cats as kittens and I wish I did.

Enjoy your birthday week Tucker!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

What great photos! I love the one of him sitting in the chair. And the one of the two of you is lovely.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OMC! Our heads are exploding from all the cuteness!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

i just love everything about this post! :)

Everycat said...

Hey Tucker, you were one sweet kitten and look how you growed!

We especially love the picture of your Mum (dealer) enabling your nip habit - classic!

Gerry & Mungo

Lucy and some friends