Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday flashback: Sadie's first meal with us

Sadie's first meal with us was chicken baby food. She was about four weeks old at the time. Read more about her adoption story.

I had a dessert plate and put some baby food on it. She was immediately interested.

She couldn't reach all of the food, so she stood on the plate!

Jim put one of his shoes next to her as a size reference. She weighed just 8 ounces!

To this day, she still adores chicken baby food. When she hears the sound of the jar opening, she'll come running.


Anonymous said...

I always amazed to be reminded how tiny she was.

The Rosie Bee said...

Oh my goodness, she is so TINY! And I am partial to the calico kittehs. :)

Jacqueline said...

Adorable, precious photos of baby Sadie!!...Happy weekend, dear friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

Summer at said...

Wow, she was really tiny!

Katnip Lounge said...

awwww...what a tiny tot! 8 ounces is barely a bit of wonder you were smitten.

Roberta said...

She was so adorable at 4 weeks and she still is. Even the plate was bigger than she. What a cutie pie. I love seeing pictures of our babies when they were tiny kittens.

The Island Cats said...

OMC! Look at how tiny Sadie was! So cute!!

Saku said...

OMC she was furry little wasn't she? These pictures make our mom squee!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Debra Taylor said...

These photos of Sadie are so incredibly sweet! I really LOL seeing her have to walk onto the plate. So very little!

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

Debby in Arizona

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Babies are always sweet! How tiny and cute she was!
I've never had chicken baby food, but it sounds like it is a life long like for Sadie!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

OMC! Mom just fainted from all the Sadie cuteness!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Golly she was a cutie!

Lucy and some friends