Monday, September 23, 2013

Tucker's sore forehead

There must be something in the air that's bothering the cats. Last week, Sadie had a weepy eye (clear) and sneezed a few times. The other day, I noticed Tucker had scratched a sore above his eye. He is such a good boy and let me take some photos.

I gave him a 1/2 of Chlortrimetron* and gently cleaned the area with a Duoxo pad. I wish I knew what was irritating him.

*This is a human allergy medication. We have permission from our vet to use this on the cats as needed.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, poor Tucker, that looks like it would be quite sore and/or itchy. Purrs for speedy healing!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom has not noticed any problems with us, but she has sneezed her head off and her eyes are watering like she is crying, but she isn't

Katnip Lounge said...

The Baby and Maui have had terrible allergies this year, too. Poor lil' guy, that's gotta be irritating.

Anonymous said...

Poor sweet Tucker. Our mom says grass allergies are bad this year. Maybe that's the problem? Kisses and purrs to your boo-boo.

Summer at said...

I hope Tucker's sore heals quickly! We get the itchies here sometimes, especially when the seasons change.

Old Kitty said...

Awww Tucker!! Hope the meds help!! Get better! Take care

The Rosie Bee said...

Poor guy! But I love that he sat so patiently while you took his picture. :)

Roberta said...

Mom said your forehead looks much better today, Tucker, and that made me purr.

The Island Cats said...

Ernie has allergies and he's been itching a lot lately. We think it's the change of seasons that causes it.

Saku said...

Poor Tucker, we hopes he is feeling better furry soon!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

aww.. poor Tucker! *blows kisses to hopefully make it feel better*

did you put coconut oil on it?

Anonymous said...

Looks like a tick was in there and has popped off

News from our house

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