Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pumpkin carving with Tucker, 2013

Hey, I know what's going to happen here! I recognize this bowl.

And we don't usually have newspapers spread all over the floor.

ALL RIGHT, it's pumpkin carving time! Hurry up, hurry up!

SCORE, guts to eat!

Nom, nom, yummy guts! Why don't the other cats want any?

Using a template to mark the pattern. I waited patiently during this part.

The carved pumpkin, unlit.

All lit up!


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Holy carp! You are eating pumpkin guts! Now, that is something we never tried. We love your pumpkin. Great job!

Be sure to visit us tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Tucker was quite helpful with this year's carving again. :-)

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Never tried pumpkin guts. Sweet potatoes, yes, but not pumpkin guts. Hmmmm. Possibly put on list to try. If we get a pumpkin.
Your glowy pumpkin is awesome!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

What a great assistant you have there! love the pumpkin! :)

Summer at said...

How come MY human can't do that? She is supposed to be "artistic," but she is scared of sharp objects. Wimp!

Roberta said...

Tucker, you are a good snooperviser. Mom did an awesome job on the pumpkin and you got to eat the guts.

The Island Cats said...

That is a great pumpkin! Tucker, did you eat some pumpkin?

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

How funny that Tucker likes pumpkin innards! Your cats really do eat the funniest things :) Also, great carving!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Oh wow! This is such a great pumpkin!! We love it!
Happy Halloween!

Lucy and some friends