Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A donation for the shelter kitties

When Tucker went missing, I vowed to complete a list of things if we got him back. Since we were reunited, I've been honoring that list. The first item was to donate to a cat in need. We did that right away. I won't say where I've donated, but I know it will be appreciated.

The second thing was to make some cat beds for the local shelter. I visited there every day and was reminded how traumatic it can be for kitties in cages. My grandma had given me a new blanket to "do something with." I cut it and made it into cat beds!

Tucker approves of them. We also included some ping pong balls for toys, and some of our dried catnip.

When I went to the shelter to deliver everything, two of the staff members asked about Tucker. It was a thrill to be able to share our good news. :-)


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Those shelter kitties will love the blankies and ping pong ball. And we can personally vouch for that homegrown catnip! Yeowza!

Fuzzy Tales said...

I love the colours in that blanket, now made into numerous blankets. :-)

It's lovely of you to pay it forward, and we know the shelter kitties will love them and the ping pong balls and the nip!

The Rosie Bee said...

This is such a cool idea!! ...and yes, going to the shelter really does reinforce how traumatic it is for those kitties. :( You've inspired me to do some volunteer activities for Elmbrook and MADACC! Now I need to check what the most need...

Random Felines said...

what a wonderful thing you are doing for those shelter kitties :)

Vanessa Morgan said...

What a sweet present.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We know the shelter kitties ans staff will love them!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Thank you for giving back! Glogirly has won some good food for my friends at Feline Rescue, and I won some for them, too. It feels good to give back to the place that helped me find Mommy. We don't have real money to help, but giving stuff that's won or making stuff that is so needed is super!
The kitties at your shelter are appreciating your gifts!
We appreciate YOU.
Tucker, we are so happy you are home. We *blush* love you!

Crystal Collier said...

He definitely looks like he approves. Cute kitty!

Marg said...

That is so terrific that you did all those blankets for the shelter. Those cats will sure appreciate those blankies. So glad you found Tucker. That is so scary when one disappears. We have one still missing. Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.

Roberta said...

It feels good to give back and those kitties will love the new blankets and toys. I can see Tucker gave his paws of approval.

The Island Cats said...

You're paying it back...and paying it forward. The shelter kitties are very lucky. :)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

What awesome gifts for the shelter kitties!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Ping Pong balls.. My favorite :)

the beds are beautiful.. and they will be much appreciated of that I have no doubt..

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Some kitties must have been really happy!

Lucy and some friends