Friday, November 29, 2013

A letter to my cat

My friend Roberta sent me this email with a graphic:

The timing was right near when I'd found Tucker, and I was inspired to write him a letter and submit it. Here is what I wrote, followed by the two photos.

Dear Tucker,

When you came into my life, in October 1998 at age four months, I was in a low place. My marriage was breaking up and my life was crumbling around me. For months, you were the reason I got out of bed. Your antics made me smile through the tears as we got to know each other.

Who would have guessed all that would have happened in the next 15 years? Your health scares, from bladder surgery, pneumonia, and pancreatitis, though costly, were repaid in full as you slept next to me, even in your weakest state.

We've moved, you've adjusted (well, sort of) to two more cats in the household, and one husband. You've grown to love that husband nearly as much as you love me, and it touches my heart to see you together.

I know what you want or need when you sit next to me. My daily routine includes you in many subtle ways, from opening the bathroom door when I'm finished showering or letting you sit on "your" side of the couch.

When you slipped out of the house on that November evening, I thought our time together was over. I cried more for you than I have for the loss of any human. It seemed unfair that 15 years could end so abruptly. . .but then I found you in a dark alley 11 days later and rejoiced to be reunited. I thanked God I saw those familiar round eyes and heard your distinctive raspy meow.

It doesn't matter how much time we have left together. I will treasure each and every day. I love you always, Tucker-kitty.


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

so beautiful.. *wipes eyes* Thank you for sharing it..

I need to get on this.. I so want to do it..

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What a beautiful letter. It moved us to tears.

The Rosie Bee said...

This is so sweet! I'm all teary.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...


Unknown said...

So Touching...sniff-sniff!

Roberta said...

Your letter still makes me cry.

Summer at said...

That is a beautiful letter! Tucker is a very special kitty... but then, you already know that!

The Island Cats said...

Oh, you made the mom get leaky eyes.

That is a beautiful letter.

Katnip Lounge said...

We know HE knows...


Saku said...

What a sweet letter! I am certain Tucker knows how much he is loved, and loves you in return.

CATachresis said...

That is a wonderful letter!

Lucy and some friends