Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Product review: Interactive Feather Dangler

Our friends at The Natural Pet Company contacted us and asked if we would review their newest product. We love cat toys, so of course we said yes.

Their new product is an interactive toy (our favorite! Rene loves to play with the cats.) It's the Interactive Feather Dangler--Megapack, and you can order one easily from like we did.

It comes compactly packaged in a plastic sack with the company's logo on the outside of the bag. Tucker shows you how compact it is.

The wand comes in two sections, connected by the string part.

The end of the string is tucked inside, near the top. It unwinds easily.

Benny saw what I was doing and got so excited, he started grabbing the feather end before I was ready.

The toy is quite similar to Da Bird, but it has some benefits Da Bird doesn't have. First, the pole is made from plastic--Da Bird's is made from fiberglass and over time, can shred. That won't happen with this pole, thankfully.

When you swing it around, the feathers flutter nicely. Benny got so excited, I was able to get some funny action shots of him.

Funny open mouth shot.

MINE! I caught it!
Poor Tucker wanted to play, but Benny kept grabbing it. Here's Benny interfering with Tucker's fun.

A cool feature is that this toy comes with THREE different feather toys. I tried all three and Benny loved them all.
Come on, let's play!

In summary, Benny gives this toy two paws up. Tucker gives it one paw up, and Sadie doesn't give it any paws up.*

This is a fun, well-made toy that will offer your cats hours of fun. We recommend using this toy with supervision, given the nature of the toy. We also recommend becoming a fan of the Natural Pet Company on Facebook. We like their products and hope they continue to add to what they offer!

*A note about Sadie. When she was a young kitten, she was playing with Da Bird. It got wrapped around her back leg and she panicked, running behind the couch. We immediately removed the string and removed the toy from our house. That was five years ago. When I showed her this toy, she got scared and ran away! I had no idea she would remember that day, and did not want to stress her out, so we did not try the toy with her. This has no reflection on NPC or its products. We actually feel badly about the situation. :-(

*We were given one toy, free of charge, in exchange for an honest review. We were not compensated and our opinions are our own.


The Rosie Bee said...

Ooh, my kitties love feather toys. I'm going to have to pick up one of these!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Oh My Goodness!! Look at Benny go!! I love it!

*Oh how sad for Sadie!! purrs to her and a kiss for her head..

Anonymous said...


I have to admit - I haven't tried my Da Bird lately - I suspect ninja cat, Elliot, might scare the other cats off.

Summer at said...

We love Da Bird, so I bet we would love this toy! That is sad Sadie is unable to enjoy it.

Roberta said...

I think my Tiny would love this toy. So cute watching Benny and Tucker playing with it. Great toy and review.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That looks like a fun feather toy. We love to play feathers, Even though Kirby has almost destroyed our puffy feather. Mom is so proud of us. We take turns. Mom will tell us whoes turn it is and the other two will wait!

Lucy and some friends