Thursday, December 5, 2013

Some surprises at the vet's office

Sadie had her annual exam last night, and we had two surprises. First, she has a bacterial ear infection! She's always had "gunky" ears and will scratch them semi-regularly, but I never thought much about it. So, she's on an ointment for 10 days.

Secondly, and more surprising, is our vet is leaving the clinic! I am very bummed, because I've meshed very well with her. She was vague about why she was leaving (not that it's my business), but said she is taking time off from practicing. The good news is that there are two other vets I really like at the clinic, and I can pick from one of them.

The non-surprise is that Sadie will soon need a dental. Last year, her teeth were starting to have significant build-up, and this year it's more, with inflamed gums. I will schedule something after January 1. (I wanted to schedule something yesterday, but the staff doesn't know our doctor is leaving the clinic, and I felt it would be awkward to schedule an appointment with another doctor before she's gone.)


Fuzzy Tales said...

We're glad that Sadie's check was mostly okay, hope her ears clear up quickly.

As for the dental...Derry's going to need one too, probably sooner than later. :-/

The Rosie Bee said...

Poor Sadie! Ear infections are no fun.

Sorry to hear about your vet, too, but I'm glad you have a couple other options.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Not to worry, Sadie, but your ears will clear up soon and you will have sparkling clean teeth soon too!

Anonymous said...

Oops, this reminds me, I think I was supposed to schedule my girls for a dental this summer.

Will see what Dr. Kim says after their annual visit in the next month or so.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is too bad about your vet. I hope Sadie's ears get better soon!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

well bummer about the vet.. I always hate when that happens... and pooh about her being vague about it.. that always makes me worry (but then again I fully admit to being paranoid)

Purrs for Sadie's ears and her teeth when she gets in for that :)

Unknown said...

Oh those darn ear infections can be so annoying...hope it clears up soon! Losing your fave vet is like losing a friend! So sorry this is happening to you and Sadie!!
Miss Kitty

Summer at said...

What a bummer about your vet! My human's favorite vet at our clinic left a couple of years ago and she's never really bonded with any of the other ones. I hope Sadie's ears clear up soon!

Random Felines said...

yep - gunky ears...been there :)

sorry to hear about your vet... but glad you like the others in the practice

The Island Cats said...

We hope Sadie's ears get better with the ointment. Too bad about your vet. It's always disappointing to lose a good dr you're really comfortable with. But good that there's 2 others that you may like as well.

Lucy and some friends