Saturday, January 18, 2014

An unplanned vet visit

Last night, Tucker started pacing the house, meowing at me. He kept going to the litter boxes and staring at them. I followed him and watched as he squatted and just a few drops came out. I'm sure many of you, especially with male cats, know what this could mean. . .

I took him in to the vet's this morning and got good news and frustrating news. The good news is that his urine did not have bacteria or crystals. The frustrating news is that he was given the diagnosis of FLUTD. The doc gave us a few days' worth of pain medication and sent us on our way.

I'm sure glad he's not blocked! I have to wonder if this flare up was connected in anyway to his 'outdoor adventure.'  The meds have kicked in and he's finally resting.


Summer at said...

I am sending purrs Tucker's way... who knows what could cause FLUTD? At this point, I don't think it is related to his outdoor adventure - it would seem like it would have shown up by now if it was. But then, I am not a vet. I don't even like the vet!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Derry's had a couple of bouts of idiotpathic cystitis--I have one or two PDFs (vet written, if memory serves) on dealing with it, if you want them.

Also, check this vet-written site:

She put the site together after she almost lost one of her cats who had a blockage.

I have Derry on's UTI-Free. Homeopathic granules that help with bladder inflammation.

Derry's had two bouts initially, for which he went to the vet, had all the tests, etc. This was oh, 2.5 years ago, I guess. Then he's started to have problems again, two or three times (usually 6 months apart), and I just dose him with the UTI-Free per instructions, only I dissolve them in a few drops of water and syringe them into his mouth during an episode. Knock on wood, he's not had a bout in over a year now, but I'm pretty paranoid and keep a close eye on him. And to clarify: I do give him the granules in his food once or twice a day on a daily basis, but the times he's seemed to be gearing up for further problems, I've dosed him via syringe, to ensure he gets it.

I don't know what other peoples' experiences have been with this product, but I personally rate it 5 out of 5 for Derry. Can't say how it would do for other cats.

But do check that web site--common sense stuff.

Purrs for Tucker; good luck!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Good thing you noticed. I will watch mine closer. It might have come from his adventure. Hope you feel better, Tucker.

Saku said...

We is purring for Tucker, hope he feels better furry soon!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Katnip Lounge said...

Poor guy! We have paws crossed that this is a one-off and he gets well soon.

The Island Cats said...

We're glad Tucker's doing better now. Zoey has had this issue in the past. The mom now adds water to her canned foods and it seems to help.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

he has been through so much.. he deserves some trouble free time for a while

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I hope he is feeling better tonight

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Poor Tucker! Hope you are feeling better real soon.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

what is FLUTD? Hoping he feels better soon!

Roberta said...

I'm so glad Tucker is feeling and getting better. He has the best Mom in the world.

Lucy and some friends