Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You're looking good, Tucker

I am amazed at how good Tucker is looking now. He's filling out his basket bed perfectly. [Note: these photos were taken before his FLUTD, but he still overall is looking good.]

Aw mom, I'm trying to take a nap.

I finally located the corn silk supplement and got more pain medication from the vet. His urine clumps are still very small, but he is eating well and hasn't vomited since Saturday. We're taking it day by day.


Fuzzy Tales said...

He looks terrific!

Happy snoozing, Tucker. :-)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That basket bed was made for you, Tucker. Hoping the corn silk supplement works!

Fur Everywhere said...

Carmine has FLUTD, too. Has your vet put him on a prescription diet? Carmine eats Hill's c/d, but there is also Royal Canin s/o. That should help dissolve the crystals in the urine. Pain medication should help while the food begins to work, too.

I hope he continues on the path to recovery. FLUTD can be rough going. Hang in there!!

Rene said...

^^ Tucker does not have crystals in his urine. I've long had him on a grain-free wet diet.

Summer at said...

Tucker looks like a happy, content kitty - as he should. Paws crossed his FLUTD will be gone soon.

Roberta said...

Cuteness overload. :-) Tucker looks like one very happy and contented kitty all curled up in his basket. Love it. Hope his clumps get bigger and bigger and the corn silk helps him. I'm so glad his appetite is good and he hasn't vomited.

Saku said...

Keep on getting better Tucker. You've worried your mom enough these past few months!

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

What a cutie heart...
Hope he is FLUTD goes away soon.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hoping Tucker continues to get better!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Tucker, you are so sweet. Now, get well!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

purrs for his continued good health.. and cause he looks so darn good

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