Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday flashback: Sadie sleeps on laundry

From May 2010, when I saw Sadie sleeping in an odd position on some of Jim's laundry.


Marg said...

Sadie, we know very well that clean laundry is the very best place to have a nap. You sure look comfy there Sadie. Hope all of you have a great day.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Sadie, your head looked comfy, pillowed on the socks, but your body looked a bit squished up there! :-)

The Rosie Bee said...

I love how blissful and perfectly comfy she looks. Oh, to have the life of housecat...

Anonymous said...

Did not know that heart-shaped was an approved cat napping pose!

Saku said...

Ahh.....there is nothing like fresh laundry.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Roberta said...

Aww, Sadie, you look so comfy sleeping on Daddy's clean clothes. I bet they smelled good, too.

Summer at said...

Strange position? Looks quite comfortable to me!

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Sadie looks so comfy and warm.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Oh, Sadie. You picked a very comfy place to look very comfy and warm!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I fits, I sleeps..

Lucy and some friends