Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A compact sleeping pose

Tucker was curled up on the chair in a cute pose. I got one shot of the cuteness. . .

And then he woke up.


Fuzzy Tales said...

He's a heart-melter, he's so sweet. And his fur looks incredibly soft...Poor boy, I'd smooch him to pieces, I think. LOL.

Marg said...

I love it when the kitties curl up and look so darn cute. Tucker, you do look really cute. Take care.

The Rosie Bee said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

So adorable! I love the toes in the face pose...and I think they know how cute they are when they do it!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

You've got to be quick to catch the cuteness! :)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

We kitties have photo radar - we are easily disturbed by the camera!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

They can curl up so tiny!

So far, so good

 I'm happy to report that Jules has been doing better since our vet visit. He's eating again without vomiting and overall seems perk...