Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sadie almost gets some cinnamon rolls

I spent three hours making dough, kneading it, letting it rise, etc. to make some cinnamon rolls. They came out of the oven, and I went into the kitchen to find this. I had just enough time to take one photo before she dashed away.


Fuzzy Tales said...

Sadie! You have to wait till they're drizzled with icing before sampling. :-)

Anonymous said...

She appears to only be observing! Very well behaved of her.

I still recall the discovery of Daisy 'helping' knead the rising coffee cakes on the counter when I was a kid - until then, we didn't think she got on the kitchen counters. Thankfully, they were under a clean dish towel - and some extra frosting covered up the extra paw print indent after they were baked.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Maybe she was just warming her backside on the stove!

Summer at said...

No doubt Sadie thought all that work was for HER! And I don't blame her.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Those look delicious! No wonder Sadie was interested.

Roberta said...

How adorable is that? Sadie is giving her paw of approval. I wonder if she would have taken one if you hadn't caught her.

The Island Cats said...

If they had icing on them, we bet Sadie woulda licked them. We woulda.

Saku said...

Sadie, we is sure your inspection will ensure the cinnamon buns are purrfect!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Adorable!! It's "The Pillsbury Dough Cat!!!" xoxo

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

but Mom, I was just admiring all your hard work..

Lucy and some friends