Thursday, April 10, 2014

You ate WHAT?! #38

I haven't posted a new You Ate What?! since September 2013!
But. . I had taken a loaf of homemade bread out of the freezer and the next morning, I find:

Check out the paw indention and bite marks. I highly suspect our bread-loving boy, Benny, was the culprit.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great work, Benny! We love these posts and have missed them.

Marg said...

Oh no, silly kitty. It does look like someone tried to take a bite.
Please tell your Mom thanks so very much for the nice Birthday card that she sent to our Person. It sure made her smile big time. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

Random Felines said...

we gots one of those - mom has to hide any bread type object to keep a certain cat (*cough*Tim*cough*) from chewing on it :)

Natalie said...

Did he bite through the bag?? That's some serious enthusiasm for bread!

Podcats said...

Good job it didn't have any onions, garlic or green tomatoes in it, or poor Benny would have been very sick!

Gotta love a cat with a good appetite though!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure poor, sweet Benny is completely innocent of all charges. :-)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Hey, you left it out knowing full well you had a breadoholic on your hands.. you were asking for it..

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

We must open the package, and take a taste, to find out if we like what is inside! Anything left out must be for us!

Summer at said...

Binga would totally do that - if she can put it in her mouth, it is food!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

Mommy is the breadaholic here. She loves good bread!

Roberta said...

Oh, that is just too darn funny. Benny sure left his marks on that bread.

The Island Cats said...

I woulda done the same thing, not because I like bread, but because I like to chew on the plastic wrapper.


Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Benny, who can blame you! Homemade bread is yum!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hehehe, Cody would have done the same!

Lucy and some friends