Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cat pin collection

A number of years ago, a co-worker gave me a cat pin. I'd already had several cat pins and like to wear them on my blazers. This started a bit of a collection, with this co-worker giving me pins for birthday and Christmas gifts.

I recently got all of them out and photographed them. To date, I have 42 different pins. There is only one Lia Sophia duplicate, and they may have been sold as a pair.

Christmas pins:

Other holiday pins:

Susan Wrisley pins:

Everyday pins:

Other pins I remembered after I took these photos:

If you enjoy cat jewelry, a (now out of business) company called JJ Jonette made a lot of cat-themed pins. They usually have the initials JJ on the back. The two silver-colored pins in the photo above are JJs. You can find them often secondhand for little money.

Hope you enjoyed this tour of my obsession collection.


Marg said...

That is a great collection. We will have to look at the cat pin place. We sure like all those. Take care.

Anonymous said...

How cute!

The Rosie Bee said...

This is really cool! I especially love the vintage emerald jeweled one--it's so unusual and very swanky!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I really do not want to tell you how many of those I own..

Summer at said...

Wow, these are cool! My human is going to be on the lookout now!

Roberta said...

Wow, that is quite an impressive collection of kitty pins.

The Island Cats said...

What a collection! The mom has some cat pins too...but not as many as you. And not one of the same ones you do.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Beautiful! I will have to be on the look out...

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, I don't think my small collection has any of the same ones as yours either. The swing set one is sweet.

Anonymous said...

Had to Google the JJ pins you mentioned. Looks like my "Mouse Error" pin is one of theirs.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

those are great! I have a few but nothing like yours!

Lucy and some friends