Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The garage painting project

I spent Memorial Day weekend prepping and painting the garage. First, I had to de-lichen it with a spray cleaner and a broom. Then, I sanded the door frames. That was followed by caulking and masking off windows, door frames, a light, and my clothesline.

I took some before and after photos. You can't really see the lichen as well as you could in person. The after effect is amazing and I'm happy with how it looks. What do you think?


The Rosie Bee said...

Oh my word, that looks amazing! You are a powerhouse!

Anonymous said...

And then there's me....who's only gotten as far as 'thinking about' scraping and painting the trim on the garage and house this year.

Impressive work!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

That is pretty amazing - my human could never in a million years do that, not to mention do such a good job of it!

Marg said...

Wow, you did a great job.It looks terrific. Well done.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

inquiring minds want to know.. what is that thing next to the window in the side after photo?

Rene said...

^^ That is a retractable clothesline.

Saku said...

Holy smokes, that's a lot of work in one weekend! You are amazing...got time to paint my fence?

The Island Cats said...

That looks like a lot of work! But good job!!

Machelle Ledoux said...

The preparation is often an important thing to remember and can sometimes be overlooked. Making sure the surface is clean with water is easy to do with a water hose, and it sets up a canvas where you can paint or apply siding in a reasonable amount of time to achieve a beautiful look on the garage.

Machelle Ledoux @ Total Garage Repair

Giovanni said...

What a great choice of color! I would have chosen a similar tint as my wife and I have a similar looking home. I just hope that you've made sure that your garage door is in working order as well. You never know when trouble might come!

Giovanni @ Coastal Contract Hardware

Lucy and some friends