Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday flashback: Mom and my grandmas

I've always loved this photo. Left to right, it's my mom, paternal grandma, and maternal grandma, taken circa 1969. 

My paternal grandma died a number of years ago, but my maternal grandma is still with us (at 92!). Grandma has had a difficult time healthwise lately, recently hospitalized for a bleeding ulcer, MRSA, and shingles (all at once!). Her health is already compromised with congestive heart failure and ulcers from peripheral artery disease (PAD).

Grandma is a strong woman, but has been quite weakened by all of this. At 92, she's lived an amazing life so far, and I hope that whatever time she has left on earth is peaceful and as pain free as possible. 


Fuzzy Tales said...

That's a terrific photo, definitely see why you treasure it.

I never knew my maternal grandmother, as she died of complications following a car accident shortly after I was born. But I do have fond childhood memories of my paternal grandmother. She was in her early to mid-90s when she died, a handful or so years ago now.

The boys are sending purrs to your grandma, that her remaining time is as pain-free and loving and peaceful as possible. She sounds like quite a tough cookie (we mean that in the best sense).

The Rosie Bee said...

What a cool picture!
I'm keeping your grandma in my prayers. She sounds like such a cool lady. :)

Marg said...

What a great picture. We sure send many purrs and prayers to your grandmother. Take care.

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

What a nice photo, thanks for sharing your grandma with us. She sounds like a wonderful woman who has had an amazing life.

Summer at said...

Purrs to your grandma - I hope she recovers and has better health!

Katnip Lounge said...

And...we see you come from a line of kitty lovers! We'll say a purrayer for your Grandma. 92 is a good long life, indeed.

Saku said...

What a wonderful photo. I hope you grandmother recovers from these current health issues and is with you for many more years.

Lucy and some friends