Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I lubs this sunbeam

[taken last week]

Tucker is stable, but still not eating very much. It saddens me because there is nothing else we can do for him, except keep him comfortable. The lab results should be back today or tomorrow, which may give us more information. However, given his weakened state I'm not sure he could withstand a lot of tests.

We're trying to take it slow, but we're both very broken up about this. We know time his time here is limited, and very precious.

 I'm not moving from this sunbeam. . .


Fuzzy Tales said...

Precious photos. Tucker definitely was blissed out in that sun puddle.


Marg said...

So good to see a photo of you Tucker all comfy. Hope you are doing all right. We sure do send lots of purrs.

The Rosie Bee said...

Such a sweet picture...I love to see him so blissed out.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

May the sunbeams always come to warm his face when ever he wishes..

purrs to you all

Summer at said...

Purrs for many sunbeams for Tucker - I know you will do everything you can to keep him as comfortable as possible.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Just back again for any updates.

You're doing all you can. Tucker will be blessed, at the right time, to pass from love into Love.

None of us can ask for more.


Roberta said...

I love you, Tucker.

The Island Cats said...

Enjoy every moment you have. He's such a sweetheart.

Katie Isabella said...

Darling, you stay right there and love every moment. And you mommy and Daddy too.

Lucy and some friends