Sunday, July 20, 2014

Thank you

I am overwhelmed with the love and support for the loss of our Tucker. Manx Mnews made us this lovely graphic that I wanted to share.

I wanted to share a couple of stories with you related to Tucker's passing. One week ago, before his decline started, I placed an order on Amazon. I usually have items on my shopping list to add on to get free shipping. I had this book on the list for more than a year, and on a whim, I added it to my order, figuring I'd squirrel it away for "some day." It will arrive on Tuesday--I had no idea I would need it right away.

I had planned on starting a series of  'bucket list" posts for Tucker, but was only able to do one before he died. We were planning on ordering in pizza Saturday night and sharing pizza cheese with Tucker. We ordered the pizza last night and sat in our backyard, sharing stories about him and making a toast. It was a beautiful night, with fireflies and birds around us. I know Tucker would have loved it. (And Benny got the pizza cheese instead.)


Fuzzy Tales said...

We saw the graphic on her blog, so lovely.

And the book...too timely. Sometimes it seems that spiritual forces, fate, whatever are at work, providing what you need, when you need it. We'd be interested in knowing what you think of the book, once you've read it and are able to process it.

As for the pizza, it was a nice way to honour Tucker. And we suspect Benny enjoyed it greatly.

Purrs and peace.

John Bellen said...

I just read the news on the Cat Blogosphere site. Sixteen years may be a lifetime for a cat, but it passes so quickly when they are years filled with love. Godspeed, Tucker.

The Island Cats said...

We know how special Tucker was to you. We love that you honored him with pizza. We bet he liked that too. Purrs...

Summer at said...

That book is arriving just in time for you. How nice to honor Tucker's memory with pizza - maybe my human will do the same, and let us have the pizza cheese.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Lovely graphic that Manx Mnews made for Tucker <3

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

The graphic is beautiful.
I love the way you honored Tucker with pizza and conversation in a beautiful, velvet starry summer night.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we wanted to offer our sincerest sympathies to you.....God's speed to you Tucker and HIS strength to your mom and dad; we know the sadness is unbearable; yet we also know your memory will live on in their hearts forever ♥♥♥♥♥


Thinking of you and knowing how hard this is. It was lovely really and in the spirit of Tucker to share the pizza in his honor and have those lovely memories.

pilch92 said...

It is sweet that you are trying to do things Tucker would have enjoyed. Keeping his memory alive is important- sorry for your loss.

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

brandi loved her hamm pizzas! Usually when mommy ordered brandi's pizza it had pineapple on it, too. So mommy had that to eat.
Sometimes I like the toppings, but mostly not.
We miss Tucker, and send you all warm hugs and lots of love. Truth be told, it doesn't get easier, that grief . Just softer. And the memories make you smile. And the tears are part of the happy "miss you" memories. And you smile.

A Tonl said...

Many many hugs to you. The graphic is simply lovely.
We know he would have loved the cheese. What a great tribute - and a wonderful idea the bucket list was!

Just Mags said...

We are so sorry for the loss of your sweet Tucker. We leave you warm, tender, hugs, purrs and nose kisses

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

We are so sorry for your loss. We are sending lots of hugs, purrs, and love your way. It sounds like you had a wonderful pizza tribute for Tucker.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We know Tucker was there with you in spirit enjoying watching you enjoying that pizza. We miss our buddy.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

some belated purrs of comfort..

News from our house

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