Friday, August 22, 2014

First basket of laundry

Benny had jumped into a basket of laundry, and since he's Ringo's hero, Ringo wanted to know what all of the fuss was about. I picked him up and put him in the basket.

He looked quite pleased with himself.


Fuzzy Tales said...

He's atop an Everest, of sorts. :-)

He *does* look pleased to be up there. What a sweetie.

Anonymous said...

He does look quite happy - but I'm not sure he's fully appreciating the burrowing and warmth of a proper basket of laundry ~typing on behalf of Miss Cassie.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great start, Ringo! You do look very pleased with yourself.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Ringo does look like he has accomplished something important!

Katnip Lounge said...

Ringo, you have given Mommy kitten fever something BAD.

Roberta said...

There is nothing like the curiosity of a kitty being satisfied. Ringo looks mighty satisfied.

Unknown said...

That is a great photo of one pleased little kitty!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Purrday Sadie & Bennie!!!!!

Laundry baskets are the best places to be, especially if it is nice warm clean laundry.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Benny is an excellent example, Ringo. :)
Look at you! Atop that lovely laundry! What a champ :)


Ringo is such a natural!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

oh great, now I've got the song Happy in my head.. that boy needs pharrell's hat..

Saku said...

He is so cute! He'll learn to appreciate the clean laundry!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


Natalie said...

He is such a little cutie! I love that pink nose and inquisitive face.

Lucy and some friends