Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Roadtrip with Ringo!

I took Ringo on a little roadtrip recently. His eyes were wide and excited when I loaded him in the car.

First, we stopped at Jim's workplace. There were only a few people there, and one of them is a big cat lover. Ringo was excited to see "dad" and be able to walk the hallways a little.

Then we went to the pet store, just a couple of miles down the road. Despite having the windows open, he did really well in the car.
Get me some good food, Mom.

He did great! When we came home, he wasn't even eager to leave the carrier.

I'm already thinking of our next roadtrip. . .

Sadie is finally making decent progress with Ringo. I played with all three cats in the same room and, while she hissed, she didn't leave and still played with me. Ringo so badly wants to approach her--that's the great thing about kittens. They never give up. :-)


Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, we're super-impressed! The only time we go anywhere (via taxi, of course), it's to the vet, and that's definitely not fun!

Way to go, Ringo!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Ah, proud poppa!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Travlin Ringo! :) where is he going to go next!

Anonymous said...


(hmm, not sure I'm ready for the pumpkin blog header already though)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

It sounds like Ringo really enjoyed his trip! WAY more than I ever enjoyed ANY trip!


Starting him early will definitely help him learn that the car doesn't mean "bad" Vet trip coming up! HE is such a cutie.

The Island Cats said...

What a fun trip for Ringo! It's a great idea to get him used to travelling in the car.

Roberta said...

Loved the pictures. Very heartwarming.

Fur Everywhere said...

Kittenhood is the best time to get them used to the car, and I'm glad you took him somewhere fun :) I'm glad to hear that progress is being made between all the kitties. They'll all adjust in time.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

YAY! Ringo is gonna be a "road-trippin" kitty!
PS: leave the carrier out all of the time, he will always love it!

Random Felines said...

love seeing this. mom takes the foster kittens on "trips" (if they don't mind). the more he does it the less he will care later :)

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Ringo is amazing :)

Unknown said...

What a good kitty! We finally got a stroller and out first adventure is stroll up and down the hallways of the apartment. Not such a big deal, but it's a start.

Lucy and some friends