Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tucker tribute: His tri-colored nose

I've always loved Tucker's nose. He had a tricolor nose, and it was so interesting to look at. Sometimes, I miss the little things. . .

These posts have been difficult for me to write (usually ending with me teary eyed), but I think they are therapeutic too.


Fuzzy Tales said...

He had such a sweet face -- and adorable nose. :-)

We all grieve in our own way. I always found it hard to write about Annie after she died, still seldom do. Partly because no one really "knew" her around the CB, and partly because I still often don't want to be reminded of the loss.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I loved his nose, too. Doing posts about him will help


What a sweet little nose.
It is hard. Seeing photos only makes it harder. I undertook after Abby died to go through all of my photo files (which was extensive) and redo them because there was no order at all and it was very difficult, yet I knew I needed to do it, for myself and for her to go back through all of our life together. (hugs)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...


Summer at said...

What an unusual nose Tucker had! Purrs to you... we enjoy these Tucker posts, but know how difficult it must be for you to write them.

The Rosie Bee said...


Roberta said...

We won't forget you sweet Tucker. I hope Mommy continues to post and share photos of you. I find them very therapeutic, too. Miss you very much.

The Island Cats said...

What a kissable nose. Purrs.....

Saku said...

What a sweet face, nose included!

I think time helps, but sometimes writing does too. You'll know what is right for you.

Fur Everywhere said...

Tucker had a cute nose! I definitely know what it's like to miss the little things about your fur baby. ::hugs::

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

I love Tucker's nose. My Lucy's nose looked a bit like Tucker's.

pilch92 said...

Tucker did have an adorable nose, just like the rest of him.

Lucy and some friends