Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Contest winner from Crazy Cat Lady Ceramics

In early September, we were notified that we'd won a drawing that Glogirly had hosted from Crazy Cat Lady Ceramics. It was for two custom-made mugs. We send our images and text, and waited.

Finally, they arrived! Because of the delay, Crazy Cat Lady sent us some lovely extras too, like the food bowl in the photo below.

I really didn't have to choose the images--these are my all-time favorite photos. The one on the left is my "Tucker reunited" photo, and on the right is one of Sadie, Benny, and Tucker curled up on our bed from a few years ago.

The quotes on the back:

These pieces are gorgeous. They are hand thrown. The images are sepia-toned and hand applied. Because of this, there are wonderful imperfections in the process (such as a random dot). I know that an actual person made this and not a machine in China.

We love these. They are special keepsakes, yet sturdy enough to use every day. If you need unique gift or want to commemorate a special moment, check them out.


pilch92 said...

Congratulations on your lovely prize.

The Rosie Bee said...

These are beautiful. I love hand-thrown mugs.

Marg said...

Those are just wonderful. I really like that. We are going to check it out.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

they really are quite lovely, and I was so happy when you won

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

ConCATulations to the lovely prize !
I shall tell mom to go over and check out the store :)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

What lovely prizes!

A Tonl said...

Oh yay! Those are so cool!!

Roberta said...

They really are special pieces.

Fur Everywhere said...

These are really beautiful pieces.

By the way, we would be honored if you linked to us from your resource page! I'll e-mail you just in case you don't see this.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

those are just incredible! What exceptional prizes to win! Those are some of the finest looking pieces I have ever seen. You are truly blessed to have won. Enjoy!

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