Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Roadtrip with Ringo #7

Oh boy, oh boy, another trip!

First, we went to Dad's workplace again. Tuesday nights, after 6 p.m., is a quiet time with only a few employees there. Jim enjoys the kitten break, and there are a few co-workers who are cat lovers.
I don't have time to sit still, mom. I have a lot of things to explore.
Then we went to the local pet bakery. I need to get there more often. They owners are very nice, and they stock a good variety of raw, freeze dried, and high-quality canned foods.

The owners have two dogs, and they were very curious about Ringo (they don't get a lot of cat visitors). Ringo was very good--no hissing or growling.

We bought a bag of raw venison, and they gave us some freeze-dried chicken hearts to try. Sadie loved them!


Fuzzy Tales said...

Wow, you certainly do go on great car adventures, Ringo. A pet bakery! That would be right up our alley. LOL.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Do the other two get to go on trips as well? Looks like Ringo is getting all the perks!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I wish I had more places to go to! Apparently my human doesn't know a lot of people locally who have homes without cats for me to visit. All her friends (with and without cats) are scattered across the country.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I bet Ringo is loving this

The Island Cats said...

What a fun trip, Ringo!

Roberta said...

You sure have neat places to visit, Ringo. Wish we had a pet bakery here.

Saku said...

What a good and brave kitty your are Ringo, not to hiss at the woofie! That bakery sounds like lots of fun, and we is sure you daddy is happy to have you visit too!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

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