Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ringo is a good supervisor

A couple of months ago, my sister had a house fire in her basement. Everyone (including their pets) is safe, but she had significant smoke and water damage. To her dismay, one of the fatalities was her 1980s My Little Pony toys. She had quite a collection of ponies, accessories, clothing, etc.

As a surprise, I bought a lot of three ponies on eBay and am going to mail them to her. They needed a bath, and Ringo was quite curious.

Hey, what is happening?
Are you using enough soap?
All washed!
That was a lot of work! I'm going to take a nap in the shipping box.


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

So nicely you bathed the Ponies , no wonder you needed some rest after that :)

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Evry job needs cat supervision! My daughter's ponies are STILL in a box out in the garage.

Random Felines said...

what a lovely gesture....and good snoopervision :)

Summer at said...

What a sweet thing to do - and how good of you to help, Ringo!

Roberta said...

You're such a kind and thoughtful sister. So cute that you gave them a good bath before sending them off. Don't forget to take Ringo out of the box. LOL

Saku said...

What a great helper you are Ringo. We is sure your mom couldn't do it without you!

Your mom is sure a furry nice sister too!

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Hey, he's never seen a pony get a bath before.. I think I would have snoopervised you doing that.. ;)

lucky you found those on ebay, I am sure she will appreciate it

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