Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What a quirky boy

It's been fun learning about Ringo and seeing his personality develop. We thought some of his habits were "kitten things," but now that he's seven months old, we're wondering if they aren't here to stay.

Some of his quirks include:

Sleeping in odd or seemingly uncomfortable poses. He was on my lap, nearly leaning off, asleep.

Being curious about the vacuum cleaner. He finds it fascinating and will follow me around when I get it out.

And the most quirky, but very charming. He is in LOVE with Da Bird. We play it every day. I keep it upstairs, but each day while I'm at work, he brings it through the house, to the back door, and stuffs it inside of a 12-pack of soda.

We sure love our quirky boy. :-)


Marg said...

Ringo, you are quite the character. That looks like a great house for the toy. Good choice.You are living the good life.

Anonymous said...

Interesting use of Da Bird. Almost makes one want to add a collar cam to see how he does it?

pilch92 said...

Our kitties love Da bird.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I think he wants to make sure you find it every day so you can play with him :)

quirky cats are the best

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Liking the vacuum is quirky. Mine would be more likely to warm up to a tyrannasaurus!

Random Felines said...

goofy boy....love that trait. :) though how that sleeping position is comfortable....

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human says my sleeping poses are getting weirder as I grow up!

Roberta said...

I love your quirky boy, too. He is too funny and I had to laugh at his quirkiness especially the last one with Da Bird.

Saku said...

He is a real character. My Saku, also a tuxie has some odd habits...I wonder if it is a tuxie thing?

Enjoy your quirky boy!

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Kitty quirks are the best!
Happy New Year!

Lucy and some friends