Monday, April 20, 2015

Cool, the window is open!

We had a day in the 60s, so I opened the office window. Ringo stood on his tippy toes to look outside.


Anonymous said...

Nice stretch!

But maybe this means your humans need to get you a taller scratching post perch?

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Window whiffies!!!

The Rosie Bee said...

Such cute little tippy-toed feet!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Boy, he looks big! I do not open my windows very wide because I do not trust the screens. Years ago, I had a cat knock out a screen on the second floor, and fall to the ground. He was ok. I do not allow the window open wide enough to press against the screen. Other cats like to climb all the way up the screen on the screen door! That is discouraged!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

the boy will do anything to get his whiffies on ;)

The Island Cats said...

Us cats will do anything for a window whiffie!

Summer at said...

We've had some open windows here lately too - it's awesome!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Our windows were open too, (til today...cold again) happy you have such a good "snoopervisor!"

pilch92 said...

He looks like a toddler. :)

Turned around and growing like crazy!

 Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...