Wednesday, May 6, 2015

You Ate WHAT?! #61

#61 is Lays plain Baked Chips.

I was eating a small bag of them while I was on the computer, and Ringo made quite a pest of himself. I gave him the tiniest bit, and he gobbled it right up. Baked chips, really? Anyone else's cat like these?

Come on, Mom, don't be so stingy. These are good!

If you don't give me more, I'll just help myself!


Unknown said...

Yes, I have a cat that will come running when he hears the potato chip bag open. He thinks that bag of chips is for him. Another thing he likes are the stem tops off strawberries, and he likes lettuce as well!

Anonymous said...

It was Stacy's Pita Chips that Elliot was way too fond of this winter. Ended up biting my hand through the bag. Good training to make sure I don't have chip bags in the house. :(

Summer at said...

I'm sure I'd eat them, but my human never brings them home. She decided life is too short to eat healthier-choice treats. So they either have to be REALLY healthy (like fruit or nuts) or totally decadent, like Nutella or Hawaiian style potato chips.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I've had cats beg for regular potato chips before..

The Island Cats said...

Oh I think that's kinda normal. I've been known to lick and eat Tostitos chips. ~Wally

pilch92 said...

That is cute :) Our Spooky comes running when he sees the Smart Food bag. :)

Cleopawtra said...

Our older kitty loves Pringles. Given the chance he would eat the whole canister. We only give him a bite or two or three.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That bag is just the right size for kitties!

Roberta said...

Oh, that is just too funny. I would have stolen that bag away from Ringo cause I love potato chips.

Turned around and growing like crazy!

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