Wednesday, September 2, 2015

So much cuddling in just one post

We never had this kind of cuddling when Tucker was alive. It is wonderful to see the boys cuddling.


Unknown said...

What a sweet post. Snuggly little Ringo..

The Rosie Bee said...

Oh my goodness, that is so sweet! Love the Benny smush face. :)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Benny did a face plant on Ringo..

Summer at said...

That is so sweet!

A Tonl said...

Cuddle-fest! Adorbs!

Anonymous said...


pilch92 said...

That is so sweet :)

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Oh, how adorable! Sweet kitties.

Lucy and some friends