Monday, November 16, 2015 review: Orijen treats

This month's product is Orijen Tundra cat treats.

The good:  All meat treats, freeze-dried. Contains an interesting combination of venison, elk, quail, and trout. Nothing else in the ingredient list except meat.

The not-so-good: A small quibble, but some folks may not want to feed because of the fish. However, there are three other flavors of these treats that don't contain fish (Regional, Wild Boar, and Lamb).

We've never tried anything by Orijen before, but were impressed by the ingredient list. The treats are a nice smaller size.

um, Ringo?

Here we are:

Sadie gave these treats a big TWO PAWS UP! She loved them. Ringo was hesitant, but did try a few and ate them. He gives them one paw. Benny would not eat them, but we sort of rule him out on freeze-dried products. He's never eaten any of them.

So, two out of three cats isn't bad. They are a decent product worth adding to the rotation!


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

it is nice there are options in that line.. some cats need fish to be tempted to eat new things, so there is that..

Summer at said...

Yum! I wonder if our local pet shop has them - next time I'm there with my human, I'll have to look!

Random Felines said...

we are never too sure about those freeze dried treats either. we do wonder what "regional" flavor is though :)

Anonymous said...

Weez twied those once too. And our favowit is da wild boar. MOL Glad at least sum of ya' liked 'em.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

pilch92 said...

They are good to add to the rotation and healthy too :)

Lucy and some friends