Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thrifty Thursday: More yarn

Earlier this year, I posted about some yarn I'd found at a thrift store. I've been crocheting cat blankets for the local shelter as I can.

I'm still looking for yarn, and recently found two more sacks.

This sack cost $2.

This sack cost $7, and had about 10 skeins in it.

I loved that a bunch of the yarn in that sack had labels with cats on them.

Here are three of the cat blankets I've completed.


The Rosie Bee said...

I love the blankets!

Unknown said...

They are beautiful blankets. Seems like you have lots of home making skills that were commom a couple of generations ago but have sadly slipped by the wayside. Do you sell your blankets or are they strictly donated?

Rene said...

Goldie, I have given blankets as gifts (mostly baby, but I've given wedding and anniversary afghans too), but primarily donate or gift them. I could never hope to recoup the time I put into them financially. At least by donating them to the shelter I know a cat will enjoy them.

pilch92 said...

Those are great finds and nice job on the blankets.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Don't you just love yarn at second hand shops :)

The Island Cats said...

What great finds!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Those are very lucky shelter kitties!

Saku said...

Those are lovely Rene! Would you be willing to share the pattern? I've got some leftover yarn...maybe I could do something good with it.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Those blankets look so comfy cozy =)

Lucy and some friends