Friday, January 29, 2016

Ringo and the stovetop

After using the stove one evening, I was surprised to find Ringo lounging on top. While Sadie used to do this, I'd never seen Ringo up there before.


Anonymous said...

In my house, sitting or walking upon the gas range is the number one no no. It is the first commandment: Thou shalt not walk upon the stove, or thy feet shall burn with hellfire. My new cat Scooby is the only offender, but he is slowly learning.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Yup, that's a big no no at my house too, always scared they are going to get up there when the burner is hot..

But he sure does look cute up there.

Summer at said...

We are SO not allowed to do this! One cat many years ago actually singed his fur doing this... I don't think it stopped him!

The Island Cats said...

Even though the mom doesn't like us on the stove, it's one of our favorite spots...'specially after the oven has been on. It's so warm!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I agree with Feline Cafe, the problem is, I have the same rule and Cody does NOT obey it. Thankfully, he ONLY disobeys when the cooktop has cooled off catchatwithcarenandcody

Saku said...

So far none of us has tried this, though Saku ad sometimes Sasha do walk on the counter. Be safe Ringo!

We sure hope your mom bean is feeling better.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku

pilch92 said...

It amazes me how cats can always find warm spots.

Lucy and some friends