Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Silk ties and tie-dyed Easter eggs

For a number of years, I've used old silk ties to make dyed Easter eggs. I recently found some for .30 each at a thrift store.

Both of the boys were curious about the ties.

The finished eggs!


Anonymous said...

I love the blue and yellow checkerboard one.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's creative! Never would have thought of that. they look great

Summer at said...

My human's heard about doing that, but she's never tried it. Well, it has been a while since she dyed eggs as it is.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

I've seen a video about that but never tried it! Wow, it really does work! Awesome!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

thirty cents! impressive

The Island Cats said...

The mom saw a video on Facebook on how to do this. It was so cool...and the eggs look amazing! Good job!

pilch92 said...

Those eggs are great.

Lucy and some friends