Thursday, April 21, 2016

A collection of stink eye photos

Tucker could give good stink eye in a photo, even when he wasn't really crabby. Take this photo, for instance. He was interested in this toy, but not grouchy. He sure looks like it though. It's one of my favorite photos of him.

Now he was unhappy in this photo, from May 2014. He and Benny were at the vets for check ups. I'd disassembled the carrier and they decided to "hide" under it. If only looks could kill. . .I wouldn't be here. I can't help but laugh at it now.

Sadie can give good stink eye. She did a pretty good one when I had her model the Captain America shirt.

Ringo can't give good stink eye. This is the best I could find.

Now Benny, he is just unable to give stink eye. This is as close as I could get.

Do you enjoy a good stink eye photo?


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Benny almost seems to be saying "Oh Mom!"

Random Felines said...

Ivy gives good stink eye. Daiquiri is just too goofy to be able to pull it off.

Summer at said...

I'm not particularly good at the stink eye thing. And I would probably have enjoyed wearing the shirt!

Saku said...

Cute! My Saku does the ultimate stink-eye. Sami is far too sweet, though I'm sure her brothers wouldn't agree. Sasha uses it infrequently but with awesome results.

pilch92 said...

Tucker was a cutie. I love a good stink eye.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Wonder what ever happened to that Captain America shirt? Great stink eyes! Just give Ringo time.

Lucy and some friends