Friday, April 15, 2016

A new refill for the mouse toy

This post is for our friend, Roberta. She doesn't have a blog but reads ours. She had asked if we were doing a post on Ringo's favorite toy, so here it is!

This is Ringo, with my very favorite toy, the Cat Catcher. 

Mom had put a new mouse on the end for me, but within a week, it had shredded and disappeared.

She has a hard time finding the refills in stores, had ordered some from the company's website. She emailed the company, Go Cat, about her disappointment in the mouse. They emailed right back, and mailed us two new ones for free!

I got my very own package in the mail! And now we have a nice fat mouse on my toy again. Thank you, Go Cat!


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

that was very nice of the company to do that.. but what are you going to do when Ringo beats up those as well ;)

Roberta said...

Thank you, Rene. I hope the new mousie holds up well. Ringo looks so cute with it.

Anonymous said...

Y dat's pawsum. Hope this mousey lasts longer than da ;ast. MOL

Luv ya'


A Tonl said...

How COOL is that?!? It's one of our fave toys too!

Summer at said...

If there are cat shows in your area, the larger ones might have vendors with these toys, so keep an eye out. Just a tip, for when you run out again. ;-)

Saku said...

Have fun with your new mouse Ringo! We hope he has a little more staying power than the last one.

Sasha, Sami, & Saku

pilch92 said...

I am glad you got 2 new ones :)

Lucy and some friends