Friday, April 29, 2016

Ringo outside of the bathroom

I don't have a lot of videos of Ringo. He'll often stop what he's doing and come up to me. I happened to catch a little of his cuteness just outside of the bathroom recently (and at the end he still comes up to me).


Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I know the feeling, why is it that they feel the need to stop what they are doing to see what you are doing all the time?

Anonymous said...

Good to see a video--doesn't matter what Ringo is doing. I do not do hardly any videos. In fact, I have none of Scooby and he almost died in February! So your post reminds me to take some today, even though I probably won't post them. I keep cats out of the bathroom completely. That is where all the house-plants are. It is the only place they are safe.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It's nice to see you in action, Ringo!

Summer at said...

What a sweetheart Ringo is!

pilch92 said...

Ringo is a cutie.

The Island Cats said...

Ringo, nice rolling!

Saku said...

Ringo is such a doll! I have the same problem with all the cats, even though I'm only taking photos. As soon as the camera comes out they move.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaaaaw How cute. Me does dat too.

Luv ya'


Unknown said...

Ringo if just darling! He looks like he would be a good snuggler.

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