Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Citywide rummage sale finds

Each year, I drive up to my parents' town for their annual citywide rummage sale. I go with my sister and assorted nieces and/or nephews, and it's a lot of fun. Here's some of the things I found this year.

A cat Halloween decoration

A Halloween stamp set with a kitty witch.

Sacks of yarn (to crochet cat beds for the local shelter)

A Christmas cat book

Old rick rack. I love the packaging on the older ones.

A Kliban nightshire--new! It is printed front and back.

My favorite find of the weekend was this sock darning egg. It used to have a handle, and was used to help in mending the toe area of old socks. I found it at the house of a late 91 year old lady. I love the patina on it. I have my great-grandmother's sewing basket, and it will reside in there.

I hope you enjoyed seeing my finds.


Anonymous said...

Love the cat witch and the frog on the cauldron stamps.

I actually have that book, as Jo Beverley is one of my 'must buy' authors.


Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I like the darning tool. Hope you have room for all these things you bring home!

Summer at said...

My human has a Halloween cat like that, only in black.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

you find the best things

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Awesome finds! I adore that shirt! I have that book, a couple of good stories in that one!

Unknown said...

What a great haul!

pilch92 said...

You dud really well- I am impressed.

Roberta said...

Great finds and bargains. Loved the Kliban kitty in a hula skirt and it says "Hawaii." Purrfect. Wear it proudly.

Lucy and some friends