Monday, June 13, 2016

The hots are here

This is Benny. I've claimed this spot on my people's new-to-them leather recliner. My dad is being stingy hasn't turned on the air conditioning yet, so I need to stay cool. 

The leather feels cool on my furs.

I hope he doesn't expect to get his chair back anytime soon.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Well, that sure does look like a great spot to stay cool, Benny!

Summer at said...

If he wants his chair back, he can turn on the air conditioning! Right?

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I agree with Summer!

Anonymous said...

Well now dat looks like a pawsum chair. But no a/c? OMC We would all be dyin'. Mommy has her own purrsonal summers and says we gotta have da a/c. MOL Stay cool and have fun.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Marg said...

That does look like the ideal spot to be when it is hot. It is very hot here. We are all melting. You all stay cool.

pilch92 said...

That does look like a great spot.

Lucy and some friends