Friday, July 22, 2016 review: Cat-Man-Doo bonito flakes

This month's review is Cat-Man-Doo extra-large bonito flakes. 

The good: A large bag, so good for people with multiple pets, one ingredient (fish), good as a meal topper.

The not-so-good: These are fish, so they smell like fish

We've had a lot of freeze-dried treats here, but never bonito flakes.

Ringo: What are these?

Sadie: Hey, get out of the way, these smell good!

Now, since these are flakes, they are thin and crumbly. Sadie didn't quite know how to eat them at first. I let her eat some out of my hand, and once she got a taste, she loved them.
These are all mine.
Sadie gives them two paws up. Ringo was only mildly interested, so he gives one paw up. Benny, our picky eater, was not interested. (He has yet to try anything freeze dried.)

We want to add that ordering from Chewy is easy and fast. Our orders come in about two days, and that's using their free shipping option. You won't be disappointed in their service.

Disclaimer: We received one bag of treats in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are our own.


pilch92 said...

We love Chewy, but I have a feeling these would not be a hit here either.

Random Felines said...

we tried those too...the permanent crew was about 50% and kittens were ALL IN

Anonymous said...

Sorry not everypawdy liked them. We do think they be an aquired taste. MOL

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Summer at said...

I know those would be a hit here!

Colehaus Cats said...

Treats from Chewy are awesome! Our Mom says the outside feral cats LOVE them, too! Glad you got to try them.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

:) my cats have no idea how to eat them either.. and I think they get disappointed that they seem to disappear once they enter the mouth

Lucy and some friends